August 22, 2010


One thing I've learned about life is that change is inevitable, because with change, we constantly grow and evolve. Most of the time, changes takes place whether we're ready for them or not, but nonetheless, we have to move forward and accept what life has in store for us. Some of us are creatures of habit and when we get into comfortable situations, we often become complacent and we tell ourselves we're satisfied, even though we're really not. So when it's time to make a change, we sometimes rebel. But if we think about what we really want and open up our minds and look at the whole picture, it becomes much clearer.

Say for instance you want to pursue your own business or write, which is what I want [and love] to do. It's not easy to give up a stable job, take a risk and step out on faith and pursue your dreams. But as a Child of God [COG], I have decided to take that leap of faith because I trust Him and I believe in me. I have big dreams and goals that I've set for myself. It's time for me to make a change in my life and make my dreams a reality. What's your dream? What do you want most for your life? Do you have the faith to step out there and take a risk and pursue your dreams?

You know, time does not wait for us, the clock is constantly ticking. So we shouldn't keep putting things off until tomorrow. Tomorrow will always come, but yesterday will be gone and so will our dreams. So, if we don't act now and make some changes, before you know it, 10 or 20 years will have passed us by. We constantly talk a good game about things we want to do and the life we want to lead. But talk is cheap, it's easy to talk about it. It's doing it that takes effort. We can't keep telling ourselves, one day. One day should become today, not tomorrow or next week or next year. The time is now!

So don't sit back and rest on your laurels. Go for your dreams! We live in America and America gives us the freedom and opportunity to pursue the American dream. People come from all over the world to live in this country and they pursue and achieve their dreams every day because they came here with a purpose. I know that I'm capable of doing the same thing and giving my life purpose and I'm determined to do just that. Whatever you want for your life, you can make it happen. If you arm yourself with a plan of action, the right tools for success and know your strengths, you can turn your dreams into reality. Have faith in yourself and belive in your abilities. Know that nothing is impossible, it may not be easy but nothing worthwhile is easy. If you want more out of life and you're ready to do you, make a change. Change can be a good thing. Just remember to trust and believe in your instincts. And before you know it, your dreams will no longer be dreams, they will be realized! Keep the faith!

Love 'N Joy!


  1. A dream many times is a prequel to reality.....We are always generating new ideas and sometimes while we are thinking these new thoughts, our subconscience takes over and fleshes out our ideas into dreams and these play out in the theater of our mind...It is up to us to act upon these dreams so that these dreams can turn into reality! We need to wake up and move from the corner of "Procrastinatiom" and "Suppose" and go uptown to the intersection of "Make it Happen" and "Success"!

  2. Exactly Stephen, it's about moving forward and taking it to the next level. Then it's up to us to pay it forward, which means giving back. That's the part I really look forward to. Thank you once again for your support!
