August 15, 2010

The Age Factor

There is a question that knows no race, creed or gender. It's a question that causes some people to get a little anxious when asked, especially after 40 or 45. And that age old question is, "how old are you?" I've found that growing older is not as easily accepted by some people, whether it's men or women. It causes some people to lie about their age altogether and they will not disclose it for anyone or anything. When I turned 40, I was still 38 for a few years after that. It took me a minute to catch up to 40 in my head and to accept the fact that I was growing older. But I do embrace my age these days wholeheartedly, because I know that growing older beats the alternative. Besides, age truly is just a number.

Now the topic of age brings up another matter, which is older women dating younger men. I know that older men have dated younger women for many years [without judgment I might add], maybe because they want to feel younger and virile and I guess being with a younger woman does that. Back in the day, we called some of these men "sugar daddies," which was primarily a man in his 50's or 60's who maintained a much younger woman. My friends used to say, "you need a sugar daddy, he'll take care of you, you just have to be nice to him." But no way, that was not my style at all. I just didn't feel comfortable dating someone that was old enough to be my father or grandfather and taking advantage of them. Now, I'm not judging anyone or saying it's wrong to date a much older man, I'm simply saying it's not right for me.

I think older women, [unfortunately now known as cougars], want to feel that way as well. They want to be with men who make them feel alive, sexy, vibrant and energetic. Where did the term cougar come from anyway? Personally, I don't ever want to be referred to as a cougar. For the record, I've dated slightly younger men for many years, because I always seem to attract them more-so than I do older men and I'm more attracted to them as well. And I don't consider myself a cougar, because although the men I date may be younger, they're still in the same ball park I'm in. I'm sure there are many cases where much older men and younger women made each other very happy and were truly in love. The same goes for older women and younger men as well. When love finds you, it finds you, regardless of the age factor. Love is like a beautiful gift and it could be wrapped up in the most remarkable packaging, and it doesn't matter if the gift is older or younger, as long as it's right for you.

With that said, there is no reason to worry about age or aging. It's gonna happen, we're all going to get older. The thing is, as you get older, you simply have to change your mindset along with the changes your body is going through. If we eat healthier, exercise a few times a week, throw in yoga for good measure, and don't stress out about things you can't control, we should have a better mind, body and spirit. It's not all about looking good, it's about feeling better overall and if you feel healthy, you'll probably look younger, then you can attract that younger man or that younger woman, if you so desire. So simply embrace the wonderful age you are because at the end of the day, you can't change it and you can't keep lying to yourself about your age, because that's not healthy. It is what it is, and just be thankful and grateful for each day that you are alive! Here's to getting older and getting better!

Love 'N Joy


  1. Age is nothing but a number.There are people out there in their mid fifties that are in better shape than people that are in their mid thirties. I am rapidly approaching the speed limit in some states(55) and I honestly believe that my body is better off that it was 20 years ago! I am back to exercising on a regular basis and maintaining a healthy diet.I am not stressed out all the time like I was 20 years ago when I was trying to get every single record played for my music bosses! I have friends that are approaching special birthdays (The 50th, The 55th and The 60th) and some of these friends think its the beginning of the end for them.I tell them to think of it this way, "The calendar may say you have been here 50 years, but just think of it as the 25th anniversary of your 25th birthday"! That usually puts a smile on their face and makes them feel better about themselves! As far as dating younger folks, if the two of you have plenty in common, and feel great being in each other's company, than by all means continue to see each other! I will end what I have to say by repeating what I said in the beginning of my response, "Age is just a number"!

    Your friend for the rest of your life,

    Steve Campfield

  2. Thanks Stephen, I concur, well said my friend!
