September 10, 2010

Life By Design

Remember when we were younger, we all had big ideas about our lives, what we were going to do for a living, the type of person we were going to marry, the kind of home we would own, the whole shebang. We were already designing [and visualizing] our lives even when we were kids. How many of us stayed on the paths that we originally chose? Are you happy with who you are now and are you fulfilling your life's purpose? I hope you are because if so, you're ahead of the game. Sometimes those original designs change, most often because of a few road blocks and curve-balls here and there. But you have to be ready to deal with whatever comes your way in life and it's not always easy. I always say that I'm a work in progress because you're never too old to prosper, grow or to learn. Like most little girls, I wanted to live a fairy tale life in the big city, with a dream career as a writer, an amazing husband and all the trimmings. These days I'm doing what makes me happy and what I feel passionate about and that feels good.

I still have big dreams that I want to fulfill and I believe that what you ask God for [and strive for] is more likely to manifest itself when you put in time and effort. I'm looking forward to continuing on the journey of life in the most positive light. My purpose in life is simple, to continue to love my Father God, to do the best I can for the people I love and for the planet and to be the best possible me while paying it forward. One of the best feelings in the world is to give. It leaves you with that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. When someone does a good deed for us, that should lead us to do something nice for someone else, that's the "pay it forward" way. That's the way our lives would be if we lived in an idyllic world, but that is not the case. What is real is that as adults, we have the ability to design [and choose] our own yellow brick road. Whatever we decide for ourselves is what will be, we are the decision makers.

I also believe in the law of attraction so I do my best to stay positive and speak the same way. When we say [and think] negative things, it can be detrimental, and that's when negative attracts negative, and who needs the extra tension. So be careful what you say and be careful what you ask for. Thinking positive attracts positive, which makes life a lot less stressful and much easier to manage, with seemingly better results. So, if you could re-design your life, would you? What changes would you make and what would you do differently? Some of us may have missed the mark in our 20's and 30's, but as long as we're able-bodied and healthy, it's not too late, so we need to keep it moving and enjoy what life has to offer. There are so many things we can do to re-design [or re-invent] our life if we desire. The opportunities are tremendous. And you most certainly can re-educate yourself with online courses in your field to keep yourself marketable.

When our children and grandchildren graduate from high school and college, they should be aware of their options and have a game plan. By asking them key questions, this helps them to think about what they want and it gets the ball rolling. There's so much more that we as parents can do to help young adults. We can help them design a 5-year timeline so they'll know what they're in store for out of the gate. They need to be armed with information about bank accounts, credit cards and FICO scores, along with other crucial details. Teaching them about their credit is a major life lesson and fundamental. They'll need to know all of these things, and have a plan of action. By helping them with this transition into adulthood, they'll have the necessary tools they'll need to succeed along with a stable foundation. Because of new technology, today's generation has so many more choices. With certain jobs, you can work anywhere in the world as long as you're accessible, have a smart phone, an email address, and a computer, which most people have these days. The bottom line is simple, know who you are, know what you want and what makes you happy and just design your life accordingly. Success can happen no matter what age you are, so just go for it, believe in you and think like a winner!

Love 'N Joy!


  1. The word college is already a part of our seven year old's vocabulary....I just recently opened a savings account for Stephanie and I am also educating her on the importance of saving and planning ahead so that she may have a prosperous future!

  2. Nice, that's the way to go. Seven years old is the perfect age to start educating her about finances.

  3. I so appreciate all that you have shard here, Joyce. It's true, we have to pray AND work for what we desire out of life. The road is often hard, but we should never lose sight of our dreams - keeping them well-defined yet maleable.

    I have had the rare opportunity to try everything I ever thought I wanted to do as a kid - work in a record store, be a professional musician, work at a radio station (for three years...but only on-the-air for two nights, but it was at the station of my dreams, so...) and write about music. My dilemma is now to try to do the musician/radio/writer thing simultaneously on levels that are both rewarding, lucrative and on a high profile level of respect. I see the carrots...I just haven't figured out how to juggle them yet!

    And if I had children, I'd so be on yours and Mr. Campfield's programs, too. Respect.

  4. Thank you so much Scott. You're lucky that you've gotten a chance to do a lot of the things that you wanted to do in life. Not a lot of people can say that. I hope you figure out a way to juggle all the carrots so that it works for you. All the best!
