October 06, 2010

Judgment - Between The Lines

As a society, we all have opinions about things. And we all think our opinions have merit, as well we should. I've been thinking about this a bit more lately, and I think that when we speak negatively about certain topics or certain people, we're being judgmental. Every day, I try to speak positively about people so that I can attract positive energy. I don't want negative energy in my life at all, there's no room for it. We influence people by our words. When we say mean things to people, it's hurtful and it impacts their confidence and self-esteem, particularly young adults. Besides, do we really have the right to judge someone else? Instead of being such a judgmental and opinionated society, we should be teaching and mentoring more and setting good primary examples. Our energy should be put into doing things that are more positive, uplifting and more substantial, that will propel future generations to the next level.

Statistics show that people on the average have approximately 30 conversations per day. Would you say that sounds about right in regard to your daily conversations? How many of those conversations are uplifting and positive? Statistics also say that we spend about 15% of our lives talking, speaking about 20k words a day if you're a man and about 30k words a day if you're a woman. No surprise there, I'm sure most men would agree with those stats. But, all in all, we need to recognize the power of our tongue. I think we should take the following steps to be more aware of what we say to people and implement these steps into our daily lives:
-Think first before we speak, and make sure we're speaking the truth.
-Ask ourselves if what we're saying is helpful or a solution to a problem.
-Ask ourselves if it will be inspiring or encouraging to someone.
If we simply talked less about people and prayed more for them, it would be much better all around. Because the more you talk, the more likely you are to say something sinful or mean. And rather than tearing someone down with words, we should encourage people if they're distressed, and make helpful suggestions and pray with them.

I'm sure that prayer makes most people feel better because it gives us hope and it reminds us to keep the faith. Just think about it this way, wouldn't you rather be uplifted than torn down even more? I think we need to be more consistent with our words. For example, some people go to Church on Sunday, listen to the sermon, and nod in agreement with what the minister is saying. They sing, shout, praise the Lord and get the holy spirit. But when they leave Church and go home, everything changes. They don't seemingly walk the same walk, which could be perceived as a facade, and quite hypocritical. With the same mouth you were praising God with an hour ago, you're now cursing someone out, physically or verbally abusing your spouse or gossiping about how someone looks, who they're with, where they live, the list goes on and on. You know what they say, "you get what you speak". In other words, what you say comes right back around to you, it's that boomerang effect. Like I said before, I want to attract positive, so that's what comes out of my mouth, positive.

I can only imagine living in a zen world where there is no judgment whatsoever, no disdain. How amazing would the world be if we all looked out for one another with brotherly and sisterly love? It sounds like a pipe dream, right? Well, I believe that even pipe dreams can come true. So, here's to a beautiful zen world!

Love 'N Joy!


  1. I am "clanging" my glass to your glass Joyce! "Here's To A Beautiful Zen World!".......I wish I had read your insightful post before I posted the story about Aretha Franklin wanting Halle Berry to play her in Aretha's life story...I was judgemental and received quite a bit of flack on that....."Think before you speak" is a mantra that we should all subscribe to because "Loose lips, sink ships"....How many friendships and relationships would have been said if we chose our words more carefully.....And as far as words are concerned Joyce, you are a tremendous wordsmith.....extremely gifted when it comes to putting thoughts to paper as it is extremely evident to me that you "think before you speak"......

  2. Joyce, everyone was asking bout you at the record business picnic last weekend!
