December 12, 2010

True Beauty!

Through the years, women have constantly been told how beautiful they are. Most of us were raised to look at beauty as only skin deep. Even though we are attracted to beautiful people by nature, thankfully, we know that it’s not just skin deep, it’s the inner beauty that counts the most. The outside has nothing to do with the true inside of who you are and when you’re young, you don’t always grasp that concept right away. There are some who are lucky enough to get it right out of the gate, and the rest waddle through life until the truth hits them in the face. If some of us were blatantly honest, we’d confess that we wanted a gorgeous face, a great body, fabulous hair with healthy white teeth and sexy eyes. Toss in wealth, a zest for life, a love for humanity and the planet and people would be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Just imagine looking the way you want to look and being one of the nicest and most loving people around, that's the best of both worlds. But then again, that's not a realistic point of view. Even though having physical beauty is nice, I learned some time ago that what you feel, and who you are on the inside counts so much more and it goes so much further. People are genuinely drawn to people because of how they consistently make them feel.

As we age, just like most things, physical beauty fades over time. I've been thinking about this and I've asked myself if I would start Botox treatments or get a facelift when my skin loses its elasticity. There are so many products and procedures being advertised on the market that most women don’t know what to buy. They find themselves approaching middle age and trying to keep their skin firm, toned and younger looking. I think if you want to enhance your looks by having plastic surgery, then go for it. Here's a little disclosure. A little over fifteen years ago, I decided to have a nose job and I don't regret it. Thankfully, it looks quite natural, so no one ever asks me about it, but I don’t want to resort to any more plastic surgery. I want to continue to look as natural as possible and to age gracefully. If surgery is the option you choose to enhance your looks or correct something that you're unhappy with, then it’s your choice to do so. There are some people who seemingly have plastic surgery as a career. Every time you look around they're having some other procedure done. But just remember, if there are emotional problems on the inside, you have to go much deeper to fix those problems. They can't be fixed by a plastic surgeon.

I can't talk about true beauty and not mention models and actors. There have been a myriad of articles and conversations about what you see on television or in publications and how it affects women, particularly young girls. Self esteem and confidence don't come easy for young women especially when they're overweight, have bad skin or some other physical or emotional handicap. But with growth and maturity, over time, hopefully you learn to accept who you are and you learn to love you. Some people look at movies and see actors on the screen with nearly perfect faces and bodies and they imagine they can look exactly the same way. Magazine ads reflect young women that are a size zero or a size two. We forget that those women are not the average size woman. The size of the average woman is usually an eight, ten or twelve. But impressionable young women don't think about those things when they're looking through a magazine. They forget that most of those images have been airbrushed to sell ads. People are naturally drawn to beautiful things and beautful people, so we have to remind ourselves what's more important because it's easy to get caught up with the physicalities. We all grew up watching the Miss Universe and Miss America pageants and they seemed so superficial because the judging was primarily based on what they looked like in a swimsuit and an evening dress. They're asked one key question at the end of the pageant, which a fifth grader can basically answer.

At the end of the day, you should never be defined or judged by how you look, as long as you have good hygiene. You should be perceived by your character, your integrity and your heart. We're all special and unique individuals. We all have something that sets us apart from one another and we're all here on this Earth for a purpose. If you haven't figured out what your purpose is, then focus on that and the reason you're here. Keep your inner spirit replenished, focus on your natural rhythms and learn to connect with your inner self. We all like looking good, but again, don't let that define who you are. I know that for some people that's easier said than done, but you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't turn that around and focus on your true inner beauty.

Love 'N Joy!

November 16, 2010

Healthy Foods...Price Check!

Recently, I was having a conversation with some friends and we were discussing the economy and how it has affected society today. It's a topic that's being greatly discussed these days. And there are always varying opinions when it comes to spending money. For example, I don't understand why most healthy foods cost so much more than unhealthy foods. It's ridiculous to me how manufacturers and grocery stores hike up the prices on certain items. In the last 10 years or so, I've made a lifestyle change to eat healthier, so I buy healthy [and organic] foods quite often. What is it about this country that makes companies capitalize on foods while people are trying to get [and stay] healthy? The cost for organic foods like milk and eggs for example, cost more than the price of non-organic foods because the stats are different. Most people prefer to eat foods without hormones and pesticides so a lot of people eat "only" organic foods, like free range chicken. If you're going to sell these foods to the public, there shouldn't be any pesticides or hormones in them anyway. Here is a link to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency website that will educate you more on this subject,

In 2007, University of Washington researchers found when they compared the prices of 370 foods sold at supermarkets in the Seattle area. Calorie for calorie, junk foods not only cost less than fruits and vegetables, but junk food prices also rose as a result of inflation. The findings, reported in the current issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, may help explain why the highest rates of obesity are seen among people in lower-income groups. The scientists took a different approach, essentially comparing the price of a calorie in a junk food to one consumed in a healthier meal. Although fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients, they also contain relatively few calories. Foods with high energy density, meaning they pack the most calories per gram, included candy, pastries, baked goods and snacks. The survey found that higher-calorie, energy-dense foods are the better bargain for cash-strapped shoppers. Energy-dense munchies cost on average $1.76 per 1,000 calories, compared with $18.16 per 1,000 calories for low-energy but nutritious foods. The survey also showed that low-calorie foods were more likely to increase in price, surging 19.5 percent over the two-year study period. High-calorie foods remained a relative bargain, dropping in price by 1.8 percent. Although people don’t knowingly shop for calories per se, the data shows that it’s easier for low-income people to sustain themselves on junk food rather than fruits and vegetables.

Speaking of calories, if you're trying to shed a few pounds, I think my daughter has the right idea. She treats her kitchen like it's a restaurant and closes it down for the night after a certain hour. I plan to personally test this out to see if I can do it. I think it would be a pretty good challenge with the holidays coming up. If we all made a point to do that, maybe it would help the obesity problem that a lot of Americans have. The obesity problem is why ALL healthy foods should be affordable to everyone. These companies should hike up the prices on junk food because it's bad for you anyway and maybe this would propel people to eat healthier. I know these are tough times, but we all have to remember to eat as healthy as possible. There is an article from Smart Money magazine with tips on how to cut costs when grocery shopping, and I think it's worth the read. Here's the link to that article, Perhaps we will continue to pay exorbitant prices on healthy foods or maybe the Fair Food Price Act will take action someday. Now, I'm sure you all know that there really is no Fair Food Price Act, I just made that up. But, another way to eat healthy would be to start your own vegetable garden and plant some fruit trees if you have a yard. Think about all the money you would save over the years and maybe you could even turn it into a side business. Tasty fresh fruits and vegetables can be lucrative, after all most of us do buy them. You could have your very own Farmer's Market in your own back yard! Happy eating!

Love 'N Joy!

October 06, 2010

Judgment - Between The Lines

As a society, we all have opinions about things. And we all think our opinions have merit, as well we should. I've been thinking about this a bit more lately, and I think that when we speak negatively about certain topics or certain people, we're being judgmental. Every day, I try to speak positively about people so that I can attract positive energy. I don't want negative energy in my life at all, there's no room for it. We influence people by our words. When we say mean things to people, it's hurtful and it impacts their confidence and self-esteem, particularly young adults. Besides, do we really have the right to judge someone else? Instead of being such a judgmental and opinionated society, we should be teaching and mentoring more and setting good primary examples. Our energy should be put into doing things that are more positive, uplifting and more substantial, that will propel future generations to the next level.

Statistics show that people on the average have approximately 30 conversations per day. Would you say that sounds about right in regard to your daily conversations? How many of those conversations are uplifting and positive? Statistics also say that we spend about 15% of our lives talking, speaking about 20k words a day if you're a man and about 30k words a day if you're a woman. No surprise there, I'm sure most men would agree with those stats. But, all in all, we need to recognize the power of our tongue. I think we should take the following steps to be more aware of what we say to people and implement these steps into our daily lives:
-Think first before we speak, and make sure we're speaking the truth.
-Ask ourselves if what we're saying is helpful or a solution to a problem.
-Ask ourselves if it will be inspiring or encouraging to someone.
If we simply talked less about people and prayed more for them, it would be much better all around. Because the more you talk, the more likely you are to say something sinful or mean. And rather than tearing someone down with words, we should encourage people if they're distressed, and make helpful suggestions and pray with them.

I'm sure that prayer makes most people feel better because it gives us hope and it reminds us to keep the faith. Just think about it this way, wouldn't you rather be uplifted than torn down even more? I think we need to be more consistent with our words. For example, some people go to Church on Sunday, listen to the sermon, and nod in agreement with what the minister is saying. They sing, shout, praise the Lord and get the holy spirit. But when they leave Church and go home, everything changes. They don't seemingly walk the same walk, which could be perceived as a facade, and quite hypocritical. With the same mouth you were praising God with an hour ago, you're now cursing someone out, physically or verbally abusing your spouse or gossiping about how someone looks, who they're with, where they live, the list goes on and on. You know what they say, "you get what you speak". In other words, what you say comes right back around to you, it's that boomerang effect. Like I said before, I want to attract positive, so that's what comes out of my mouth, positive.

I can only imagine living in a zen world where there is no judgment whatsoever, no disdain. How amazing would the world be if we all looked out for one another with brotherly and sisterly love? It sounds like a pipe dream, right? Well, I believe that even pipe dreams can come true. So, here's to a beautiful zen world!

Love 'N Joy!

September 10, 2010

Life By Design

Remember when we were younger, we all had big ideas about our lives, what we were going to do for a living, the type of person we were going to marry, the kind of home we would own, the whole shebang. We were already designing [and visualizing] our lives even when we were kids. How many of us stayed on the paths that we originally chose? Are you happy with who you are now and are you fulfilling your life's purpose? I hope you are because if so, you're ahead of the game. Sometimes those original designs change, most often because of a few road blocks and curve-balls here and there. But you have to be ready to deal with whatever comes your way in life and it's not always easy. I always say that I'm a work in progress because you're never too old to prosper, grow or to learn. Like most little girls, I wanted to live a fairy tale life in the big city, with a dream career as a writer, an amazing husband and all the trimmings. These days I'm doing what makes me happy and what I feel passionate about and that feels good.

I still have big dreams that I want to fulfill and I believe that what you ask God for [and strive for] is more likely to manifest itself when you put in time and effort. I'm looking forward to continuing on the journey of life in the most positive light. My purpose in life is simple, to continue to love my Father God, to do the best I can for the people I love and for the planet and to be the best possible me while paying it forward. One of the best feelings in the world is to give. It leaves you with that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. When someone does a good deed for us, that should lead us to do something nice for someone else, that's the "pay it forward" way. That's the way our lives would be if we lived in an idyllic world, but that is not the case. What is real is that as adults, we have the ability to design [and choose] our own yellow brick road. Whatever we decide for ourselves is what will be, we are the decision makers.

I also believe in the law of attraction so I do my best to stay positive and speak the same way. When we say [and think] negative things, it can be detrimental, and that's when negative attracts negative, and who needs the extra tension. So be careful what you say and be careful what you ask for. Thinking positive attracts positive, which makes life a lot less stressful and much easier to manage, with seemingly better results. So, if you could re-design your life, would you? What changes would you make and what would you do differently? Some of us may have missed the mark in our 20's and 30's, but as long as we're able-bodied and healthy, it's not too late, so we need to keep it moving and enjoy what life has to offer. There are so many things we can do to re-design [or re-invent] our life if we desire. The opportunities are tremendous. And you most certainly can re-educate yourself with online courses in your field to keep yourself marketable.

When our children and grandchildren graduate from high school and college, they should be aware of their options and have a game plan. By asking them key questions, this helps them to think about what they want and it gets the ball rolling. There's so much more that we as parents can do to help young adults. We can help them design a 5-year timeline so they'll know what they're in store for out of the gate. They need to be armed with information about bank accounts, credit cards and FICO scores, along with other crucial details. Teaching them about their credit is a major life lesson and fundamental. They'll need to know all of these things, and have a plan of action. By helping them with this transition into adulthood, they'll have the necessary tools they'll need to succeed along with a stable foundation. Because of new technology, today's generation has so many more choices. With certain jobs, you can work anywhere in the world as long as you're accessible, have a smart phone, an email address, and a computer, which most people have these days. The bottom line is simple, know who you are, know what you want and what makes you happy and just design your life accordingly. Success can happen no matter what age you are, so just go for it, believe in you and think like a winner!

Love 'N Joy!

September 01, 2010


There is a lot that comes to mind when you hear the word "respect." What comes to my mind are my parents and my grandparents when I hear that word.
They all had big hearts and were so loving but at the same time they were also no-nonsense people. They raised me to respect my elders, it was automatic in my family. It was instilled in me when I was very young along with a distinct definition that left no room for misunderstanding. If you didn't respect your elders in my generation, not a problem. There was no discussion. You simply made up your own little breakdance in the middle of the floor with a little help from your parent's hand and a switch that you pulled from a tree or a bush and belts worked fine too, lol. I can laugh about it now, but believe me it wasn't funny then. Factor in that we couldn't call 911 back in the day, and if we had, it would have been much worse. Most of us would've had really hurt "feelings" afterwards, if you catch my meaning.

I wish that today's younger generation had more respect for themselves and for others, especially their parents. The switch doesn't seem to work for these kids today either, and I know that some parents don't believe in physical discipline, but those of us that got whippings turned out just fine. Some of the parents that don't discipline their children seem to be afraid of their kids and so the kids call the shots and make their own rules which means that something is completely off kilter here. It seems that the best way to teach respect is to show respect and we know that it should start at home early. When a child experiences respect, they know what it feels like and they begin to understand how important it is, and along the way responsibility and integrity are learned. Schools teach children about the basics of respect, but parents have the most influence on how respectful children become.

What can we do today to instill respect into our younger generation, for themselves and for others? How do we get them to see the importance and the significance at this stage when their minds have already been clouded? One way might be helpful. We should tell them we love them, every single day. Tell them they matter and what they say, think and feel matter as well. We need to show them by believing in them while helping them to believe in themselves. Another way is to simply talk to them, and listen to what they have to say, they may just open up more. If you don't normally talk to them so freely, then change that right away. Make them feel comfortable enough to have those important conversations with you. Spend quality time as a family and do things together that you all like at least once a week. It can't hurt.

We all have to realize that it's up to us to set an example for our children. We also have to be more responsible and not let young kids be privy to adult conversations. Children don't need to hear all the details about certain things their parents discuss that they can't yet understand or decipher. And if all they hear are their parents gossiping and saying negative things about people that are friends or family, they will grow up to be the exact same way. Until children show respect at home, it’s unlikely they will show it anywhere else. Keep in mind that respect is not the same as obedience. Children might obey because they are afraid, but if they respect you, they will obey because they know you want what’s best for them. I think being respectful helps a child to succeed in life, it teaches them about integrity and with that comes confidence and higher self-esteem. If children don’t have respect for peers, authority, or themselves, it’s almost impossible for them to succeed. We need to look within ourselves and lead them by giving them and showing them positive examples. Our children are our future and we want the future to shine bright for them and for their kids as well. Here's a friendly reminder for the day, a little respect goes a long way.

Love 'N Joy!

August 22, 2010


One thing I've learned about life is that change is inevitable, because with change, we constantly grow and evolve. Most of the time, changes takes place whether we're ready for them or not, but nonetheless, we have to move forward and accept what life has in store for us. Some of us are creatures of habit and when we get into comfortable situations, we often become complacent and we tell ourselves we're satisfied, even though we're really not. So when it's time to make a change, we sometimes rebel. But if we think about what we really want and open up our minds and look at the whole picture, it becomes much clearer.

Say for instance you want to pursue your own business or write, which is what I want [and love] to do. It's not easy to give up a stable job, take a risk and step out on faith and pursue your dreams. But as a Child of God [COG], I have decided to take that leap of faith because I trust Him and I believe in me. I have big dreams and goals that I've set for myself. It's time for me to make a change in my life and make my dreams a reality. What's your dream? What do you want most for your life? Do you have the faith to step out there and take a risk and pursue your dreams?

You know, time does not wait for us, the clock is constantly ticking. So we shouldn't keep putting things off until tomorrow. Tomorrow will always come, but yesterday will be gone and so will our dreams. So, if we don't act now and make some changes, before you know it, 10 or 20 years will have passed us by. We constantly talk a good game about things we want to do and the life we want to lead. But talk is cheap, it's easy to talk about it. It's doing it that takes effort. We can't keep telling ourselves, one day. One day should become today, not tomorrow or next week or next year. The time is now!

So don't sit back and rest on your laurels. Go for your dreams! We live in America and America gives us the freedom and opportunity to pursue the American dream. People come from all over the world to live in this country and they pursue and achieve their dreams every day because they came here with a purpose. I know that I'm capable of doing the same thing and giving my life purpose and I'm determined to do just that. Whatever you want for your life, you can make it happen. If you arm yourself with a plan of action, the right tools for success and know your strengths, you can turn your dreams into reality. Have faith in yourself and belive in your abilities. Know that nothing is impossible, it may not be easy but nothing worthwhile is easy. If you want more out of life and you're ready to do you, make a change. Change can be a good thing. Just remember to trust and believe in your instincts. And before you know it, your dreams will no longer be dreams, they will be realized! Keep the faith!

Love 'N Joy!

August 15, 2010

The Age Factor

There is a question that knows no race, creed or gender. It's a question that causes some people to get a little anxious when asked, especially after 40 or 45. And that age old question is, "how old are you?" I've found that growing older is not as easily accepted by some people, whether it's men or women. It causes some people to lie about their age altogether and they will not disclose it for anyone or anything. When I turned 40, I was still 38 for a few years after that. It took me a minute to catch up to 40 in my head and to accept the fact that I was growing older. But I do embrace my age these days wholeheartedly, because I know that growing older beats the alternative. Besides, age truly is just a number.

Now the topic of age brings up another matter, which is older women dating younger men. I know that older men have dated younger women for many years [without judgment I might add], maybe because they want to feel younger and virile and I guess being with a younger woman does that. Back in the day, we called some of these men "sugar daddies," which was primarily a man in his 50's or 60's who maintained a much younger woman. My friends used to say, "you need a sugar daddy, he'll take care of you, you just have to be nice to him." But no way, that was not my style at all. I just didn't feel comfortable dating someone that was old enough to be my father or grandfather and taking advantage of them. Now, I'm not judging anyone or saying it's wrong to date a much older man, I'm simply saying it's not right for me.

I think older women, [unfortunately now known as cougars], want to feel that way as well. They want to be with men who make them feel alive, sexy, vibrant and energetic. Where did the term cougar come from anyway? Personally, I don't ever want to be referred to as a cougar. For the record, I've dated slightly younger men for many years, because I always seem to attract them more-so than I do older men and I'm more attracted to them as well. And I don't consider myself a cougar, because although the men I date may be younger, they're still in the same ball park I'm in. I'm sure there are many cases where much older men and younger women made each other very happy and were truly in love. The same goes for older women and younger men as well. When love finds you, it finds you, regardless of the age factor. Love is like a beautiful gift and it could be wrapped up in the most remarkable packaging, and it doesn't matter if the gift is older or younger, as long as it's right for you.

With that said, there is no reason to worry about age or aging. It's gonna happen, we're all going to get older. The thing is, as you get older, you simply have to change your mindset along with the changes your body is going through. If we eat healthier, exercise a few times a week, throw in yoga for good measure, and don't stress out about things you can't control, we should have a better mind, body and spirit. It's not all about looking good, it's about feeling better overall and if you feel healthy, you'll probably look younger, then you can attract that younger man or that younger woman, if you so desire. So simply embrace the wonderful age you are because at the end of the day, you can't change it and you can't keep lying to yourself about your age, because that's not healthy. It is what it is, and just be thankful and grateful for each day that you are alive! Here's to getting older and getting better!

Love 'N Joy